This type of qualitative research uses a phenomenological approach (field research). Aims to find out and understand the effectiveness of online information system implementation in Era 4.0 as a database and educational information service center at the Krian 1 Muhammadiyah Primary School.

From here the researcher was moved to research on the implementation of information systems online. The problem then is, is this true, information and communication technology is a major need, without this technology learning cannot take place optimally, the continuity of the institution and its existence is threatened. However, the reality in the field is that not all schools have and apply this technology, due to various limitations, financial and workforce quality. Consequently, it must have facilities and infrastructure, in the form of information and communication technology. Carry out the education and learning process online. Schools must take advantage of information and communication technology. Therefore, schools as educational institutions that have various kinds of data must be willing to make changes, adjust to these demands, so that the education and learning process can take place properly, quickly, and accurately.

This acceleration and convenience has become a necessity and a lifestyle. In the industrial era 4.0 which was marked by advances in information and communication technology, accelerating and providing various kinds of convenience in accessing information and data on various aspects of life. The development of the world of technology cannot be avoided, educational institutions as centers of education and learning must follow these technological developments so that they can exist more.